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* Proposed Projects *

We are dedicated to start a vruddhashram on the Ajni-virul road near Mandwa. It will provide a home for 150 males and 150 females. We have land of our own and a plan to construct the necessary infrastructure. The approximate cost is Rs. 2.5 crore. We make an appeal to all like-minded people to come forward and join hands with us to fulfill this dream.

Go-Shala (Cow Home)

Cow is our mother and it is not enough to respect her but we must protect her. Daily hundreds of cows are brought to the slaughter house. This is against humanity. Lot of efforts are done by the organizations and acts like POCA (prevention of cruelty to Animals). But we came to know that these efforts are not sufficient. Hence our organization taken a step forward and decided to construct a cow home which will cost approximately 2.5 crore. It will make the cows free from the hands of the butcher and brought them to the cow home and look after them. Hence all like minded people and organizations are requested to come forward and help us for this noble job.
